Potential of Pindang Bandeng as The Betawi-Tionghoa Acculturation Food Iconic Product

Pindang Bandeng for the Betawi people is a part of The Non-Material Culture Heritage owned by the Jakarta Capital Special Region which is now increasingly marginalized. The object of this Internal Grant Research is to increase the potential of Pindang Bandeng as a Betawi-Chinese acculturation food iconic. This Internal Grant Research used qualitative research which will result in findings without the assistance of statistical procedure or form of calculations in their analysis. This research was conducted using Purposive Sampling sample technique. The primary data of this research was carried out through Focus Group Discussion/FGD and in-depth interviews and observation. The data of this research was analyzed by Grounded Theory. While secondary data was taken from various written sources and documentation. The results of this research could be concluded that Pindang Bandeng could be raised its potential as the Betawi-Chinese Acculturation Food Iconic Product, wherein it was a food product of the blend of Betawi and Chinese cultures especially during Chinese New Year because it was identical with milkfish processed into Pindang Bandeng. Thus, Pindang Bandeng became an Icon of Chinese New Year celebration in Indonesia.



Detail Information

Bagian Informasi
Dosen Pembimbing
Pengarang Lila Muliani - Personal Name (Pengarang)
ICSTIAMI - Personal Name (Pengarang)
Rustini - Personal Name (Pengarang)
No. Panggil PRO DOS 2019
Subyek Chinese
International Conference on Science and Technology
Iconic Product
Grounded Theory
Klasifikasi PRJ0008
GMD Prosiding
Tahun Terbit 2019
Tempat Terbit Jakarta


Lila Muliani. (2019).Potential of Pindang Bandeng as The Betawi-Tionghoa Acculturation Food Iconic Product().Jakarta:

Lila Muliani.Potential of Pindang Bandeng as The Betawi-Tionghoa Acculturation Food Iconic Product().Jakarta:,2019.Prosiding

Lila Muliani.Potential of Pindang Bandeng as The Betawi-Tionghoa Acculturation Food Iconic Product().Jakarta:,2019.Prosiding

Lila Muliani.Potential of Pindang Bandeng as The Betawi-Tionghoa Acculturation Food Iconic Product().Jakarta:,2019.Prosiding



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