Studi Komparasi Kepuasan Pasien BPJS dan Non BPJS Pada Mutu Pelayanan Pendaftaran Puskesmas Johar Baru Jakarta Pusat

Based on the reliability test, for the item questionnaire, thedecision consideration is based on Cronbach’salfa value>0.60, the questionnaire is declared reliable or consistent. In this study the Cronvachs’s Alfa Value of 0.699 ‘s was rounded to 0.70, the cronbanch Alfa Value of 0.70>0.60, the questionnaire was declared reliable or consistent. With cross sectional time approach. The Mann Whitney U test was used to prove the hypothesis with the SPSS For Windows 25 software version, the significance value or Symp was obtained. Sig, (2 tailed) of 0.001. Therefore the value of Symp. Sig, (2 tailed) of 0.001>from the probability of 0.0f, the hypothesis “Ha is a accepted” or there is a difference. Based on the average value in the level of BPJS patient satisfaction obtained an average of 79.96 for Non BPJS patients obtained an average of 76.13 while the difference between the two amounted to 3.83. Targeted Output. Is a scientific publication in the National Journal of ISSN submitted, speakers in scientific meetings are registered, teaching material (ISBN) draft newspapaer articles are published. The proposed TKT research is TKT 1



Detail Information

Bagian Informasi
Dosen Pembimbing
Pengarang Endang Supriyadi - Personal Name (Pengarang)
No. Panggil JRN DOS 2020
Subyek Health BPJS and Non BPJS
Patient Satisfaction
Quality of Regisgtration Services
Klasifikasi J200021
GMD Jurnal
Penerbit Institut STIAMI
Tahun Terbit 2020
Tempat Terbit Jakarta


Endang Supriyadi. (2020).Studi Komparasi Kepuasan Pasien BPJS dan Non BPJS Pada Mutu Pelayanan Pendaftaran Puskesmas Johar Baru Jakarta Pusat(Publish).Jakarta:Institut STIAMI

Endang Supriyadi.Studi Komparasi Kepuasan Pasien BPJS dan Non BPJS Pada Mutu Pelayanan Pendaftaran Puskesmas Johar Baru Jakarta Pusat(Publish).Jakarta:Institut STIAMI,2020.Jurnal

Endang Supriyadi.Studi Komparasi Kepuasan Pasien BPJS dan Non BPJS Pada Mutu Pelayanan Pendaftaran Puskesmas Johar Baru Jakarta Pusat(Publish).Jakarta:Institut STIAMI,2020.Jurnal

Endang Supriyadi.Studi Komparasi Kepuasan Pasien BPJS dan Non BPJS Pada Mutu Pelayanan Pendaftaran Puskesmas Johar Baru Jakarta Pusat(Publish).Jakarta:Institut STIAMI,2020.Jurnal



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