Strategi Pemerintahan SBY - Boediono Mencegah Political deadlock dalam Kasus Bank Century

The economic issues will be influence the political dimention. Dispute between the parliament and the president have highlight and more attention from public, political scientist, to the political deadlock. The differences from origin supporting party to president and vice president that could be inharmonies the two of them. It wasn’t anything to expect and it may be cause of the political deadlock. This paper describes these conditions but did not the final of the existing problems.



Detail Information

Bagian Informasi
Dosen Pembimbing
Pengarang Ani Khoirunnisa - Personal Name (Pengarang)
Tuswoyo - Personal Name (Pengarang)
No. Panggil JRN DOS 2013
Subyek Tuswoyo
Strategi Pemerintahan SBY - Boediono Mencegah Poli
Klasifikasi J130001
GMD Jurnal
Penerbit Institut STIAMI
Tahun Terbit 2013
Tempat Terbit Jakarta


Ani Khoirunnisa. (2013).Strategi Pemerintahan SBY - Boediono Mencegah Political deadlock dalam Kasus Bank Century(Publish).Jakarta:Institut STIAMI

Ani Khoirunnisa.Strategi Pemerintahan SBY - Boediono Mencegah Political deadlock dalam Kasus Bank Century(Publish).Jakarta:Institut STIAMI,2013.Jurnal

Ani Khoirunnisa.Strategi Pemerintahan SBY - Boediono Mencegah Political deadlock dalam Kasus Bank Century(Publish).Jakarta:Institut STIAMI,2013.Jurnal

Ani Khoirunnisa.Strategi Pemerintahan SBY - Boediono Mencegah Political deadlock dalam Kasus Bank Century(Publish).Jakarta:Institut STIAMI,2013.Jurnal



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