Artikel 8 - Medium Enterprises, Campus Infrastructure Development with Private Partnership
Ahmad Hidayat - Personal Name (Pengarang)
Jakarta : International Journal of Engineering & Technology
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) ensuring inclusive and equitable quality of education and enhancing life opportunities for all. The Indonesia Pintar program through the implementation of 12 Year Compulsory Education in the RPIMN 2015-2019 of which is increasing the number of educational participation which is a target of 2019 APK of Higher Education of 36.7 percent. USA private funds-raising for higher education are in Harvard, Stanford, Princeton, Texas, Massachusetts, Columbia, Pennsylvania, Texas, Northwestern, California, Chicago, Notre Dame, Duke, Comell, Virginia, Yale, Washington and Emory. USA privale fundraising for higher education are used for scholarships, especially for most outstanding students. USA private fundraising for higher education are used for library development, research in universities and other developments relaled. The use of funds makes USA higher education more sustainable. In 2012, the growing of private universities in India more strengthened, this is seen in the data of universities in India, which provide schol- arships are 12,748 universities, but 9541 university granting students in Indian universities is a private university. This has an impact on increasing access to private universities, with 64% of universities in India, is a private university, this is supported by private university admission applicants in India which accounted for 59% of the total applicants of Indian universities. Narotama University in 20 16 where ges five faculties with 3096 students and 112 lecturers. The Private Partnership strategy includes Banks, and Private partners. Narotama Tower construction cost IDR 170 billion, 3 years construction revenue, and will generate revenues of IDR 250 billion. Therefore, this strategy completes Narotama's development action besides financial analysis, planning and budgeting, performance reporting, cost accounting.
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Ahmad Hidayat. (2018).
Artikel 8 - Medium Enterprises, Campus Infrastructure Development with Private Partnership().Jakarta:International Journal of Engineering & Technology
Ahmad Hidayat.
Artikel 8 - Medium Enterprises, Campus Infrastructure Development with Private Partnership().Jakarta:International Journal of Engineering & Technology,2018.Jurnal
Ahmad Hidayat.
Artikel 8 - Medium Enterprises, Campus Infrastructure Development with Private Partnership().Jakarta:International Journal of Engineering & Technology,2018.Jurnal
Ahmad Hidayat.
Artikel 8 - Medium Enterprises, Campus Infrastructure Development with Private Partnership().Jakarta:International Journal of Engineering & Technology,2018.Jurnal