Desain Jaringan Distribusi Berbasis E-Business Pada Sistem Rantai Pasok

In this paper, we provide a form of distribution network design and application in the field of e-commerce in the supply chain, with a distribution network design approach. Thus a good distribution network model can be determined in e-commerce business and provide quality service through the delivery period of equipment and materials to the consumer's location that is fast and low cost which can provide more competitive prices for customers. This is where the role of distribution is very important, because with the distribution of all materials both raw materials and finished products can be
distributed to each party in need in the supply chain. In the supply chain itself there are several distribution designs available, namely Manufacturer Storage With Direct Shipping, Manufacturer of Storage with Direct Shipping and In-Transit Merge, Storage With Carrier Delivery Distributor, Storage With Last-Mile Delivery Distributor, Manufacturer Or Distributor Storage With Customer Pickup.



Detail Information

Bagian Informasi
Dosen Pembimbing
Pengarang Fino Wahyudi Abdul - Personal Name (Pengarang)
No. Panggil JRN DOS 2019
Subyek Supply Chain
Distribution Network
Distribution Design
Klasifikasi J190064
GMD Jurnal
Penerbit Jurnal Logistik Indonesia
Tahun Terbit 2019
Tempat Terbit Jakarta


Fino Wahyudi Abdul. (2019).Desain Jaringan Distribusi Berbasis E-Business Pada Sistem Rantai Pasok(Publish).Jakarta:Jurnal Logistik Indonesia

Fino Wahyudi Abdul.Desain Jaringan Distribusi Berbasis E-Business Pada Sistem Rantai Pasok(Publish).Jakarta:Jurnal Logistik Indonesia,2019.Jurnal

Fino Wahyudi Abdul.Desain Jaringan Distribusi Berbasis E-Business Pada Sistem Rantai Pasok(Publish).Jakarta:Jurnal Logistik Indonesia,2019.Jurnal

Fino Wahyudi Abdul.Desain Jaringan Distribusi Berbasis E-Business Pada Sistem Rantai Pasok(Publish).Jakarta:Jurnal Logistik Indonesia,2019.Jurnal



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